Thursday, April 8, 2010


I'm so excited this week, we finished up the term. No real horrible disaster for this term! I have to say I found both of this terms classes a little harder to work through. But I really think is was do to maybe the stress I was under this term. I really really loved my writing 2 class, Dr. Manning is a great professor. And when I was at my lowest she really did help me through the whole process. I really disliked intensely the whole writing process, but I have come to like it.. I don't think Ill love it yet but I am enjoying myself especially through the blogs! I never knew how blogging can be so much fun! I always heard about how people really enjoy blogging, I always thought to myself like really you cant do something else that is just as interesting.. But, I have to say I have become that person. Expressing everything I feel on the blog sharing and connecting with different classmates and future long time friends. I have nothing but great things to say about this term even if it did kick my butt! Thank you Dr. M for making it better!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Tears of Joy..:)

While eating dinner tonight, I was telling my husband that our 5yr old needs a hair cut. When all of a sudden he turns to me and says "I like my hair its cool". And I just stared at him in awe and I started to cry... Remembering that just 3 years ago we sat in a doctors office being told that our son had seizures and autism. Autism was the word that stuck out and hit me like a car going hundred miles an hour and lost control and just struck me. I remember asking her if he would ever say he loves me, or even call me mama. Not only that he did not even want anyone to touch him. How can a mother not touch their own baby. But, if you have notice yet failure is not an option for me. So I jumped on that high speed train and road to where we are today with him. William is a lovable 5 year old who talks from 8am to 9pm and plays with other children as shown growth in all his therapies and school. So as I was sitting eating dinner hearing him say that he loves his hair because its cool I thought that if you would have asked me 3years ago if I would be hear with him I would have told yes.

Thursday, March 25, 2010


So, in my attempt to become as healthy as I can be. I have lost almost 20lbs is like a month. I have been very aware of what I have been eating, I am exercising 3-4 days out of the week. If my schedule permits me. So, my friend wanted me to attend one of her Cage Fitness class, that is a full cardio work out in 30 mins. But it is a mixture of martial arts, self defense, and tae boe. It is extreme and not for the weak hearted. So, being that I cycle like 4-5 miles every day I thought to myself sure Ill do it. After the first 20 seconds I wanted to kill my friend and I just wanted to die. I did not die but my legs felt like jelly. After the class was over I was feeling ok just very tired and still felt like jelly. The next day it was like my muscles said "Im done" they tightened up and my knees locked and could not walk, bend, move or sitdown. It was the worse pain I have ever felt in my life. Just put it this way after giving birth 2 times without medication I would have rather done that 5 times than go thru that pain again. But needless to say I had to endure the pain all day. I cried like a baby, my whole family found it funny and had a good laugh about my pain. (I probably would have laughed at them with some off the stuff I was doing looked pretty dag funny). But today I feel better, still sore and bruised. But I guess I love torture bc I am going again Saturday. :)

Friday, March 19, 2010


So for all my classmates and friends who are stay at home parents or who are single parents I really feel that you would like this movie called Motherhood. Motherhood is about a mom played by Uma Thermand who has two children an husband with a career but she feels that she is lacking something. When I saw this movie I could relate to her position with the views of being a mother. It really made me think about my situation how I felt before Kaplan University. I am a mother of two who decided not to work due to lack of childcare and my sons condition. So with that agreement my husband took on two jobs until he was able to stick with one that was financially better for us. The problem with this is that I put myself aside to give my family all... which I am not saying I would change. Its just sometime stay at home parents forget who we are as a person. I was craving to understand who "Kathy" is or was. So sitting in line at the Social Security office while being talked to like I was someone just living off my son's disability check; put it all in perceptive to me. The only person who could change me was me! I cried in the cry for a good hour because I had never been spoke to like I was worthless and that's exactly how I felt. Please dont think it was because I was stuck at home with the kids or my husband never gives me any attention. That was not the case I just felt like I was no one just a mom thats all. That was my title mom. Not that mom was being bad it was the idea of a unhappy women who never put herself first. If you can understand what Im trying to say. so I remember on of old buisness partner who's wife is or was a math professor for kaplan as a part time job while her husband traveled around in business trips she would go where he was but still teach. So I applied online to Kaplan University and was excepted a week later. I told no one because I didn't want the comments of are you sure you could handle this.... So when I started it was hard at first untill I figured out a schedule that works for me. After the first term was over and was offered honors classes (that I did not take) due to fact that I all ready had my hands full I did not want to put to much on my plate. I felt great! I feel like im a super multitasking mom who can do anything.... My point is If momma isnt happy the house is not happy. So just put yourself first once a week 2x a month go get a manicure, pedicure, go get your done or even if its volunteering at the hospital. Just take the time to make you happy.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Well, I am happy to announce that the cruise is back on! We schedualed it for april and it just so happens that if fall when we have a break for school. So I am super excited about it. I am glad that his boss did not tell him no again. Because I really think that would have set me over the edge. My blog this week is short but sweet. The other news is I am planning on taking the boys to a gymnastics class, I am a little worried with that tho because I don't know how the children are going to react to William and his special mentality. But I think it will prepare both of us for kindergarten.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Brain Dead

Hello again my blog today is short but to the point; Once again this week mental release is called brain dead. The reason why I chose this topic is because it is exactly how I feel when ever I finish a conversation with someone who does not seem to get the point or the idea across. I know everyone has felt that once in a while. It happens when you have a argument with your love one, husband, sister and even parents. Well, I had a conversation like this last night it left me emotionally exhausted and just brain dead. Just numb to everything I could not think anymore all I could feel is the nerves in my left eye being pinch by the pressure in my head. I want to say the discussion was not a family member or my hubby. It was someone who is supposed to help me learn so I can successfully pass my classes. But, some time people are black and white and there is nothing I can do about it. I guess I have to roll with the punches and just take a couple of Advil migraines before dealing with this person again.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Well come back to my weekly rampage or discussion on how my week went or how I want it to go. So for months now me and my husband have plan to take a cruise in march a weekend cruise for a mini honeymoon. And as you all already know baby sitting is very hard to come by. By a miracle my sister offered to stay the weekend with the boys so we could go on this cruise. Now usually when you want a couple days off you give at least two weeks notice from work, so just to make sure that they gave my husband those days off he sent the request day off forms in January two months before the cruise. As the weeks passed by we did not hear anything from his boss; so my husband called he told him he could not give him his vacation time because he needs a project to be done by the time that we planed for the cruise and why can't we just take it in April. I am furious, this man did not even give the him day off so we could move to another house, he complained saying why couldn't we move on Saturday instead of Friday. When we first go married he asked for that Thursday and Friday off for the wedding and he said " why cant you guys do it on the weekend". I understand employers have a right to deny you days off and so forth. But this man plans my family time and vacation. Only when is it convenient for him for our family to stuff. In the years my husband as worked for him he has never called out sick works more than 40hrs some days does round a clock shifts. He has not had a pay raise in over two years we don't have medical insurance because his boss is trying to save money. I am just upset and I wanted to post this because if there is any one who owns a company and has employees that are loyal, hard working and honest appreciate them do not under value them; good employees are hard to come by.