Thursday, April 8, 2010


I'm so excited this week, we finished up the term. No real horrible disaster for this term! I have to say I found both of this terms classes a little harder to work through. But I really think is was do to maybe the stress I was under this term. I really really loved my writing 2 class, Dr. Manning is a great professor. And when I was at my lowest she really did help me through the whole process. I really disliked intensely the whole writing process, but I have come to like it.. I don't think Ill love it yet but I am enjoying myself especially through the blogs! I never knew how blogging can be so much fun! I always heard about how people really enjoy blogging, I always thought to myself like really you cant do something else that is just as interesting.. But, I have to say I have become that person. Expressing everything I feel on the blog sharing and connecting with different classmates and future long time friends. I have nothing but great things to say about this term even if it did kick my butt! Thank you Dr. M for making it better!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Tears of Joy..:)

While eating dinner tonight, I was telling my husband that our 5yr old needs a hair cut. When all of a sudden he turns to me and says "I like my hair its cool". And I just stared at him in awe and I started to cry... Remembering that just 3 years ago we sat in a doctors office being told that our son had seizures and autism. Autism was the word that stuck out and hit me like a car going hundred miles an hour and lost control and just struck me. I remember asking her if he would ever say he loves me, or even call me mama. Not only that he did not even want anyone to touch him. How can a mother not touch their own baby. But, if you have notice yet failure is not an option for me. So I jumped on that high speed train and road to where we are today with him. William is a lovable 5 year old who talks from 8am to 9pm and plays with other children as shown growth in all his therapies and school. So as I was sitting eating dinner hearing him say that he loves his hair because its cool I thought that if you would have asked me 3years ago if I would be hear with him I would have told yes.